Unicity Rep, Michael Cowan

Two products + one practice = measurable results

Health begins here

Give your taste buds something to shout about with this bold and delicious flavor combination.

A 30-day supply of Unicity Unimate and Balance.

  • Makes intermittent fasting easier

  • Stay fuller longer

  • Slows carbohydrate digestion

Balance and Unimate


Balance is the smart solution to balanced nutrition. This patented blend of fibers, nutrients, and plant compounds are specifically designed to:

  • Slow carbohydrate absorption so you stay full longer

  • Promote proper digestion and cholesterol absorption

  • Provide 9 essential vitamins and minerals


Get up and go with Unimate. This highly concentrated yerba mate drink contains a unique blend of plant compounds known to:

  • Improve mood

  • Boost energy

  • Heighten mental clarity

  • Suppress appetite

Plus, it's sugar free!

Order yours today!

How to use

Time-based eating, often referred to as intermittent fasting, has been associated with numerous health benefits:

  • Healthy blood pressure

  • Improved heart health

  • Improved body composition

Sounds great, right? Well, it's easier said than done. The trouble with intermittent fasting is that it is HARD. Few people are able to stick with the practice long enough to achieve real results.

That is where Feel Great comes in.
Unimate and Balance work together to help you extend the time between dinner and your first meal of the following day.

Our Approach

Feel Great is designed to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The Feel Great approach is simple.

Eat the food that you love.

Nutritional Facts

Unimate is uniquely powerful thanks to Unicity’s original five-step process: handpicking, fire roasting, active biological molecule extraction, yerba mate concentration, and purification. The result is a yerba mate beverage that contains up to 375 times more chlorogenic acids than other commercially available yerba mate drinks.

Wednesday FGS live Q&A (for members)

Starts at 8:00 PM EST
